Rabu, 03 Oktober 2012

GSLC Session 3 ASSIGNMENT!!!!! My Hobby

Course  : Introduction to Information Technology
Topic     : GSLC Session 3 Assignment

Lecturer name : Daniel Nugraha, S.Kom
Lecturer ID     : D4748

Name : Jordi Nugra
Nim    : 1601216250
Class  : 01PAM

Hello Everyone, wow it's very a long time since I posted my last post to this blog..........
Sorry it's because I'm very busy now,,, Eaaaa......
Just Because I have a homework so I open my blog and posted it,,, Hahahaa... Sorry Mr. Daniel

Now For this chance I want to share about my interest and my hobby............
actually I have a lot of hobby such as swimming, online, singing, daydreaming...
but this time I want to share about my amazing hobby.....
Can You Guess???
Ok,,, here we go............